Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My goofy he boy. He loves to eat suckers. So this reflector is in our driveway. He sees it and says"MMMMM!!!" And yes like the pic shows he tries to lick it. I think he was pretty excited about this huge sucker. But it was a disappointment, so we have one on the other side of the driveway and he walks over there and tries that one. Maybe one day kiddo you can have a sucker that big!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES....this gramma will see to it! I will be on the hunt for the "biggest sucker ever"!!! ....bless his little heart! Like I just wrote Chandra, you are such a great blogger Steph, you always write the cutest things and capture our little guy in action. And even though I get to see him way more than I used to, its still a loooong time between visits for this gramma's heart!!! So thank you for sharing every day stuff with us!!! Mom