Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Toilet paper extravaganza!!! Daddy was in the shower, and I was sleeping. We put Kristian in the bathroom with us. Anyways, Krstian was looking at the toilet paper, so kev brought it down a little so Kristian could look at it closer. He didn't think that Kristian could each it. Guess what though Daddy? I got it!! So cute. I am sure this won't be the last time he gets in the toilet paper!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! hey, when you are 6 months old TP is a pretty exciting thing!!!! And when he starts walking you may find the whole roll unwound and in the toilet!!! That was one of your specialities Steph! So it must be a family trait......wow, Im proud we passed that one on!!!grin.....Love, Gramma B